Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc. is always hiring.

Forget the tanking economy and all those pink slips that are going out. One local industry is going strong -- I Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc. It's a direct competitor of I Do Not Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc., which I just now founded.

Neither firm pays its staff a cent, but each has its benefits.

I Do Not Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc. reduces your need for BP meds, creates less spittle on your computer screen, and provides a more balanced view of what's happening in Lucas County.

I Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc. , on the other hand, offers a lifetime supply of panties guaranteed to get in a twist every time there's a political story that can somehow magically have the name Stainbrook worked into it.

An example would be the recent stabbing of a former radio personality/newspaper columnist/TV commentator named Troy Neff. It happened on a December night in Perrysburg Township on the outskirts of Toledo, a road-rage incident that got out of hand. A fellow named Hardeman was arrested. You can read about it here, if you don't mind reading old news.

So far, so good. Well, not so good for Troy Neff whose recovery required a few stitches and huge doses of free publicity. And not so good for Mr. Hardeman, who sat in a jail cell for several days before being allowed to head back to his home in Tennessee. But good for Mr. Stainbrook because he enjoyed whole days of not being associated with the bloody mess in Perrysburg Township.

Then good turned to bad for Mr. Stainbrook when the staff at I Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc. started, with a wink and a nod, to imply that Mr. Hardeman's choice of attorney (Scott Ciolek) had Stainbrook's fingerprints all over it. This tin-foil-hat-ism sprang from the fact that Mr. Stainbrook once had some dealings with that attorney. That's all the staff at I Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc. needs to get them going.

Now, I have no idea whether they're right or wrong. My only point is: So what if he did? And so what if he didn't? The case does not involve Jon Stainbrook. Maybe, when trying to figure out how Mr. Hardeman and Scott Ciolek found each other, it'd be more productive to look at -- not Jon Stainbrook's past associations -- but rather Mr. Neff's possible on-air remarks about Mr. Ciolek. I never listened to Neff's show myself, but I'm curious: maybe what I missed was a show or shows where he messed with the wrong lawyer. That's just a musing of mine, not based on any facts in evidence, but if I Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc. can make such leaps, why can't I, as CEO of I Do Not Hate Jon Stainbrook, Inc.?