Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome to "The Anus and Randy" Show

I've been compiling a list of reasons not to read The Toledo Free Press, and every item on that list begins with "Michael Miller." My most recent addition:

Reason 5,678 ... Michael Miller manages to shock local high school students with his randy comments about (yep, you guessed it) Jon Stainbrook.

In case you missed the story in today's Blade, here's a link. Let's hope Stainbrook recorded the incident and will play the tape for all to hear.

What's astonishing is the disconnect between what the kids were asking Michael Miller and his response to them. They were giving this clod an out and he failed to recognize it or take advantage of it. His rude, uncalled for, profane remarks about another human being in front of a classroom of high school students could have been dismissed as a joke, if he'd taken his cue from the stunned students. But, no, Miller is never one to exercise, you know, good sense. Not when he can make a fool of himself, embarrass him employer, and prove for the umpteenth time what a pathetic piece of manure he is.

He owes Stainbook an apology. And it goes without saying that he owes the students and staff at Maumee Valley Country Day School a profuse apology. He also owes Tom Pounds a letter of resignation, the sooner the better.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It'd be funny if it weren't so unfair.

If what I've been told is true (that people on local blogs are scolding Swampette for posting Jason Webber's private writings, and that some of them are the same people who supported the right of The Toledo Free Press to publish a private book proposal), this strikes me as yet another example of there being one set of rules when it comes to Jon Stainbrook and another set for everyone else.

I've been told the book proposal belonged to Jon and it was not his wish to make it public. He even went to court to try to stop publication of it. Did people come to his defense and trash TTP back then, the way they are now (rightly) trashing Chris Myers? No, at least not according to what I've been told by the person who gave me this background information.

I watched Chris Myers on WTVG last night. His response when asked about the effect of his blog post on Jason Webber's employment was priceless. He oh so obviously knows he harmed the man. You could see it in the panic in his face, especially his eyes. If you have the chance to watch the video, do. And Jason, do you have a good lawyer?

Monday, March 2, 2009

So a guy complains about his boss. Privately. To his friends. And Swampette decides to make it public.

Wasn't Swampette the guy who was complaining that Stainbrook taped a private conversation and played it for a reporter? The Blade has a story posted about this spectacular display of hypocrisy on Swampette's part.

There's a big difference between what Stainbrook did (covering his rear when dealing with the Board of Elections, which has a history of trying to f*** him over) and what Swampette did (making private communication public, very likely tampering with a hapless city employee's employment and future opportunities). The word "schmuck" was invented for people like Myers.

You can read The Blade's story here.

UPDATE: Just got an email from someone telling me Myers is saying on his blog that he's comfortable with what he did. Great. I wonder how comfortable his victim (Jason Webber) is.