Monday, March 2, 2009

So a guy complains about his boss. Privately. To his friends. And Swampette decides to make it public.

Wasn't Swampette the guy who was complaining that Stainbrook taped a private conversation and played it for a reporter? The Blade has a story posted about this spectacular display of hypocrisy on Swampette's part.

There's a big difference between what Stainbrook did (covering his rear when dealing with the Board of Elections, which has a history of trying to f*** him over) and what Swampette did (making private communication public, very likely tampering with a hapless city employee's employment and future opportunities). The word "schmuck" was invented for people like Myers.

You can read The Blade's story here.

UPDATE: Just got an email from someone telling me Myers is saying on his blog that he's comfortable with what he did. Great. I wonder how comfortable his victim (Jason Webber) is.