Sunday, January 4, 2009

Congratulations, Mrs. Myers! It's a boy!

Wow, you people are really determined. I don't post my email address here but you've figured it out anyway from the name of the blog and now my in-box is flooded with more than a person could ever want to know about the "brains" behind Thanks for letting me know the blogger's last name and that she is a he, but please keep in mind I never said that he was a she. I just didn't know whether he was a she or she was a he, but now I do, and it's all your fault, you informative critters, you.

So, okay, my original hunch was wrong. All that anger over everything Jon Stainbrook does, or thinks about doing, isn't spewed by a lovelorn little girl acting out because the coolest boy at school ignores her. Nope. MR. Myers is driven by something different. My mailbox is open 24/7, so if any of you know why this blogger's thong is in such a twist, could you please let me know? I find his motivations an interesting area of speculation in a can't-look-away-from-the-wreck sort of way.

Some of you told me this Myers person has a blog called Swamp Bubbles. I'm picturing a grotesque creature submerged in a soupy muck, farting uncontrollably, sending bubbles to the surface where they pop and release their awful stench. I haven't been there yet and may never visit, but I know I can count on you eager emailers to keep me updated on the ugliness that passes for discussion there.

I know this because of what you've already emailed to me. Those posts you've copied and pasted are enlightening to say the least. I see that Jon Stainbrook isn't the only one with a target on his back in Sulphur Springs.

I'll leave it to you to figure out why Sulphur Springs is the name I've given the swamp. But be sure to hold your nose while you think about it.